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184 items found for ""

  • Evolution of Rickshaw Art | Rickshaw Art Archive

    Evolution of Rickshaw Art ​ References Gallagher, Rob. The Rickshaws of Bangladesh . Dhaka: The University Press Limited, 1992. Glassie, Henry, and Firoz Mahmud. Contemporary Traditional Art of Bangladesh . Dhaka: Bangladesh National Museum, 2000. Glassie, Henry. “The Pictorial System.” In Art and life in Bangladesh , 433-437. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1997. Glassie, Henry. Traditional Art of Dhaka . Dhaka: Bangladesh Academy, 2000. Kirkpatrick, Joanna. “Bangladeshi Arts of the Ricksha.” , December 5, 1997, Kirkpatrick, Joanna. “Rickshaw Revelations.” Outlook , 04 August 2004, Kirkpatrick, Joanna. “The Painted Ricksha as Culture Theater.” Studies in Visual Communication 10, no. 3 (1984): 73-85. Kirkpatrick, Joanna. Transports of Delight: The Ricksha Arts of Bangladesh . Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 2003. CD-ROM. Learmonth, Tom. "Rickshaw Art in Bangladesh." Mimar: Architecture in Development 39 (1991): 76-79. Mahmud, Firoz. “The Rickshaw and Rickshaw Painting in Dhaka City.” In Traditional Knowledge and Traditional Cultural Expressions of South Asia , edited by Sanjay Garg, 160-172. Colombo: SAARC Cultural Centre, 2015. ​ Please switch to desktop mode if you are using a mobile browser Go back

  • Rickshaw art by Unknown (written on the bottom-left corner)

    + - Entry no.: V1 CC23 1994 AC0 000 Y 017 Title: Untitled Artist: Unknown (written on the bottom-left corner) Year of creation: Unknown Photographer: Kevin Bubriski Copyright info: All rights reserved by Aramco Americas Date Photo Taken: 1994 Location: Dhaka, Bangladesh Resolution info: 2048x3072 Source: AramcoWorld Notes: Used as the cover of seatback upholstery; probably an old work Subjects: Taj Mahal, Sky, Grass, Tree Bibliographical Reference/s: Kirkpatrick, Joanna and Kevin Bubriski. “Transports of Delight: Ricksha Art Of Bangladesh.” Aramco World 45, no. 1 (1994): 32-35. Previous Next

  • Rickshaw art by Anonymous (top); Osman (bottom)

    + - Entry no.: V1 CC14 2012 AC0 000 N 001 Title: LOVE Artist: Anonymous (top); Osman (bottom) Year of creation: 2008 (top) Photographer: Rajesh Pamnani Copyright info: Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 2.0 Generic (CC BY-NC-ND 2.0); Date Photo Taken: October 7, 2012 Location: Dhaka, Bangladesh Resolution info: 4912x3264 Source: Notes: The metal backboard at the bottom is digitally printed and mass produced; the portrait of the woman in traditional wedding dress and appearance is hand-painted and done by a different person; the surface of her attire is detailed Subjects: Love, Taj Mahal, Religion, Woman, Bride, Wedding, Jewelry Bibliographical Reference/s: N/A Previous Next

  • Rickshaw: The Vehicle | Rickshaw Art Archive

    Rickshaw: The Vehicle Special thanks to Ashna Choudhury for such an amazing 3d model of rickshaw. Ashna Choudhury is an emerging 3d artist and animator who recently graduated from the University of California, Berkeley with a Major in Art Practice and a Minor in Electrical Engineering & Computer Science. Ashna wants to tell stories that will move people, connect to them, inspire them, heal them, and most importantly, represent them. ​ Please switch to desktop mode if you are using a mobile browser Go back

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